Issue: I Cannot Log in to LMS

If you just recently enrolled, please wait 2-3 hours for your data to be populated in all the modules inside LMS then try logging in


Go to http://accounts.amaesonline.com to try to solve your problem.  Use your USN and Password

Below are the possible Return Codes of the accounts resolver:

RETURN CODE: Error 1 : Invalid USN / StudentID

Check your COR if you are using the correct USN and try this process again

The USN should be 11 digits. If not then log this error and provide full details:

If everything mentioned is ok but issue still persists then create a ticket  log this error and provide full details.  

RETURN CODE: Error 5: Invalid Password

This means that your USN is existing but you provided Incorrect/ Invalid Password

Helper will provide you with First and Last Character or your existing password, try to remember your passwords with this hint then log in to LMS

If you recently changed password on the System, wait for 2-3 hours before logging in again on LMS. System requires this time for synching process.

If everything mentioned is ok but issue still persists then log this error and provide full details:


Below are other common issues associated with passwords

    #1: Try converting your existing password to lowercase when encoding

     #2: Make sure that your password does not contain restricted special characters.  To be specific: / (forward slash); \ (backslash); ' (single quote); “ (double quote); , (comma); | (pipe); ` (reverse single quote)